Meet Esther…one of our super star volunteers. Esther has worked for 30 years in the mental health system (North Harbor, DCH Health Systems), she has a son, 4 grandchildren and a fur baby named “Mutt”. Through her professional career and her servant’s heart, she sees and understands the need for involvement in the mental health and addiction world. Esther served with “Celebrate Recovery” for 8 years and is currently active in “Red Letters Black Coffee” and “The Well”, both recovery small groups, meeting in Fayette, Alabama. Esther says “having had family members in recovery” reminds her how important it is to volunteer and make a difference in someone’s life who is struggling with addiction. When she isn’t serving in a small group, she may show up at Restoration Springs with a home cooked meal for our guys and a quick walk with Manny and Maggie, something Mutt enjoys as well! It’s people like Esther that shows us how important our volunteers are to our ministry and we are grateful to have her on our team!
COVID Care packages were delivered to front porches throughout Fayette for people quarantined at home. Great opportunity to serve along with the youth from Fayette First United Methodist Church. Future Leaders in the making!
New Year, New Opportunity for Congress to Prevent Overdose Deaths
The start of a new year ushers in many changes and opportunities. Among these changes are a new Administration, a new session of Congress, and many new lawmakers descending on Capitol Hill. Unfortunately, the new Administration and new Congress must still deal with some of the problems and issues of previous years, Administrations, and Congresses.
One of these previous challenges that we have yet to tackle is the ongoing opioid epidemic that is ravaging the nation. Last year, more than 81,000 Americans died of a drug overdose. This number shattered previous records and was by far the largest number recorded in American history. These aren’t the types of records that we’re excited to break.
We need to get this crisis under control… and fast. One way to do this is to prevent opioid addiction where we can by ridding our communities of unused, unnecessary opioid pills, which can be a dangerous pathway to abusing other illicit forms of opioids.
Last year, this issue got the attention of Congress and led to the introduction of the Non-Opioids Prevent Addiction in the Nation (“NOPAIN”) Act. This landmark legislation would rid our communities of billions of opioid pills that all-too-often go unused after a surgical procedure by incentivizing the utilization of other, non-addictive pain management strategies. click here to read more…
Years ago when hosting some teenagers during a fishing tournament, a fourteen year old struggling to understand asked me, “Miss Dana, why did my mother love drugs more than me?”
How often do we fail to recognize the hurt, the pain, the loss – the GRIEF, involved for a child when the adults in his/her life struggle with addiction and at worst, overdose? Perhaps one reason is our own feelings either as the addict or our own preoccupation as an adult in loving one. One thing many of us as adults fail to remember is this . . . children grieve too. So how do we help them?
Go First. As the adult, you are the leader. Tell the truth about how you feel. It will establish a tone of trust and safety. Recognize that grief is emotional, not intellectual, and that sad or scared feelings are normal reactions to all loss events.
Remember that each child is unique and has a unique relationship to what they hear and believe about loss.
Be Patient. Give your child time to formulate opinions. Make sure to plant healthy ideas about talking about feelings.
Listen with your heart, not your head. Allow all emotions to be expressed, without judgment or criticism.
Don’t Say “Don’t Feel Scared.” Fear is the most common response to loss, for children and adults. click here to read more.
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