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November 27th is a special day. The day we lost Will. A day we will never forget. However, it is a day we will always cherish and a day we choose JOY! Will’s legacy will live long beyond his 25 years here on earth. The Will Bright Foundation is breaking the barriers to recovery from addiction through its transitional living facility, Restoration Springs, advocacy wins on Capitol Hill and scholarships to men and women needing initial recovery. Because of you, we are making a difference one person at a time, and we know that Will is smiling. Please consider giving the gift of Restoration this #GivingTuesday on Tuesday, December 3rd. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us….” Ephesians 3:20
- Honor/Memorial Brick - $125
Make a difference in someone’s life today by purchasing a brick in Honor of or in Memory of a loved one who has fought addiction. These bricks will be beautifully displayed as an entrance walkway into our new building.
Click here to purchase your brick today!
Other Ways To Give
Pray that God sends us His candidates.
Pray that we continue to seek God’s wisdom.
Pray that God continues to show us favor.
We need volunteers in many capacities
and welcome your assistance.
Thank you for your support!